Smoking can lead to tooth loss, gum disease, tooth staining and even mouth cancer.
All the latest blog content from the Smile Place Dental team. Get some helpful tips and learn all about caring for your teeth.
Smoking can lead to tooth loss, gum disease, tooth staining and even mouth cancer.
We know this ad may not be Covid safe. Remember a time when you could go out and grab a coffee with your friends and sit near each other. Well think of that time and sit back and have a laugh. Hope you like it. This ad has been in the making for some time now.
Lifting of Government restrictions gives green light for people to see their dentist
As you know, the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to change at a rapid pace. It is recommended that dental practitioners limit treatment to non-urgent dental care, particularly limiting treatment which generates large quantities of aerosol.
Support to patients must be remembered and for some, the terminology ‘emergency’ and ‘urgent’ dental treatment may cause confusion. Some patients may feel they do not qualify for such treatment which can cause increased stress for patients and the healthcare system if they instead present to a GP or in very severe cases, require hospitalisation.
Below is a description of treatment procedures classified as an emergency or urgent.
Discover the Transformational Journey of a Patient Who Regained Confidence through Smile Makeover.
This Patient lost his front teeth after they got knocked on building site and had vertical fractures.
After initial consultation we decided to restore with Implants to replace missing teeth.
2 implants were placed by Oral Surgeon, following bone graft in left central incisor site.